Assignment 2: Point of sale display

For this assignment the brief was to create pos to use in a supermarkets vegetable display, The pos had to promote quality and show seasonal vegetables for both summer and autumn.
Unlike the previous exercise  that featured fruit this one also had to show the season too.
I thought a roundel or insignia may be a good way to go,  but this didn’t seem to look upmarket enough.

ThIs image had a lot of excessive detail that would easily get lost
The colour version looked more appealing but something didn’t feel right

I tried again this time using colour to make the vegetables look appealing,  it was better but I still wasn’t happy.

I made the decision to start over, I used the vegetables as a colourful background and added in some painted icons, a sun for Summer and a maple leaf for Autumn. This seemed like a much better direction, it was vibrant appealing and the hand painted icons gave it a “home made” quality.
I could picture this in Sainsburys or Waitrose, and I feel it would have caught a shoppers eye, with its bold and vibrant design.


Sun Soaked Summer Vegetables
Warm and cosy Autumn Vegetables